Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Positions Open!

Well we are looking for staff here... Just to help us when we aren't here.
First we need two spoiler presenters. That means we need two Store Spoiler Presenter and two Item Spoiler Presenter. Links will be provided to the presenters when the jobs are taken.
Then we need two people to keep us posted on the latest dolls. Again that means we need another two people for this. The reason why I'm requesting two people per each job is because if we only elected one person to do the job and their internet isn't working, then really we are down in the dumps.
Then we need someone to take the job of telling us how to get the latest free things.

You must all have these requirements:
  • Be able to print screen
  • Post ONLY under the topic me or Adrienne have assigned you to
  • Post as ASAP
  • Save photos to PNG format
Post in comments if you would like to be apart of this blog.


  1. Can i be a port of this blogg i know stardoll cheats to clothes and Hair stuff and other stardoll stuff: its Rainy213

  2. Hello i would like to be part of the staff of this blog i meet with all the request
    Doll name: Dvmat
