Monday, July 13, 2009

Who Wore It Best?

x-xchar vs. kdawg14 .
Today, two girls had to do their best to create a fashionable outfit using the new Hot Buys Hot Pants from the Pretty in Pink Shop. Here, We have two extremely different types of girls. x-char (Left) is very futuristic and cutting edge. kdawg14 (Right) is very rocker chic and edgy. So I was interested on what this would turn out like. Both used it in different ways and made the Hotbuy their own. So who do you think wore it better? x-xchar (The Left) or kdawg14 (Right). You can vote for your favorite in the voting box directly under the Stardoll Mania chat box.
How I Would Have Worn It .
I always like to have fun with these and put my own input into challenges. So I thought it would be fun to show how I would have worn it. I think that each item has a certain style. These hot pants were very girly and fun. So I decided to exaggerate that. Tell me what you think in the comments
Never Look Back,
xoxo Adrienne
x-xchar 60%
kdawg14 - 40%

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